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Duration: 30-90min

Price: from $138

The combined treatment of RF & Cavitation is an ideal method that can reverse localized fat and eliminate cellulite. Completely no downtime and non-invasive, coupled with astonishing permanent results, it is a treatment that focus on the degradation of fatty cells, eliminates cellulite and tackles stubborn fats.

Areas for treatment:
Armpit fats, leg calves, inner thighs, back thighs, upper arm, abdomen, lower belly, waist and love handles 

1 area $138
3 areas $398
5 areas $648

10 areas $1068

20 areas $1948

30 areas $2618


Radiofrequency+ Cavitation Slimming

Duration: 30-90min

Price: from $98 

Fat freezing, a procedure that uses freezing temperature to break down fat cells for a period of time in the aim to reduce up to 20%-27% stubborn fats of the targeted area. It is a non-invasive and non-surgical alternative to liposuction.

Areas of treatment:

Leg calves, Inner thighs, back thighs, Upper Arm, Abdomen, Lower Belly, Waist & Love Handles
1 area $98
3 areas $278
5 areas $438
10 areas $748

20 areas $1298

30 areas $1738

360° Fat Freeze

Duration: 30-90min

Price: from $138

Areas for treatment:
Leg calves, inner thighs, back thighs, upper arm, abdomen, lower belly, waist and love handles 
1 area $138
3 areas $398
5 areas $648
10 areas $1068

20 areas $1948

30 areas $2618

Hot & Cold Therapy
(RF + Fat Freeze)

Duration: 15-60min

Price: from $108

EMSlim is a focused electro-magnetic treatment with safe intensity levels for fat burning and muscle building system. It uses HI-EMT (high-intensity electromagnetic muscle trainer_ and RF (Radiofrequency) technology.

Areas for treatment:
Outer arms, leg calves, inner thighs, back thighs, outer thighs, upper arm, abdomen, lower belly, front thighs and bottoms

​1 area $108

3 areas $308
5 areas $498

10 areas $858

20 areas $1628

30 areas $2058

EMSlim Muscle Trainer

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Duration: 15-30min

Price: from $68

Lipo Laser is the latest lipolysis, offering you a way to achieve fat reduction, inch loss and body contouring with no pain, no needles and no downtime. Lipo Laser emits low levels of laser energy, which creates a chemical signal in the fat cells, breaking down the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol and releasing them through channels in the cell membranes. 


Areas of treatment:

Double chin, armpit fats, leg calves, inner thighs, back thighs, knee fats, upper arm, abdomen, lower belly, waist and love handles

1 area $68

3 areas $188

5 areas $288

10 areas $548

20 areas $1048

30 areas $1478

Lipo Laser

Duration: 30-120min

Price: from $158

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Body Sculpting is a new technology that can permanently destroy fat cells without harming the surface of the skin. The energy of ultrasound waves can penetrate a few centimeters below the surface of the skin and help reduce fat in the chosen areas of the body.

Areas of treatment:
Face, double chin, armpit fats, leg calves, inner thighs, back thighs, knee fats, upper arm, abdomen, lower belly, waist and love handles

​1 area $158

3 areas $458
5 areas $728
10 areas $1408

20 areas $2498

30 areas $3588


HIFU Body Sculpting


Duration: 120-150min

Price: from $318

Skin Camouflage is a treatment that utilizes specially formulated products to conceal various skin imperfections and minimize the appearance of dark eye circles, scars, stretchmarks, birthmarks, and even melasma. It aims to improve aesthetic appearance, enhance confidence, and reduce self-consciousness by providing a semi-permanent solution, contributing to improved overall well-being.

Areas of treatment:
Belly, Love Handles, Buttocks, Inner Thighs, Outer Thighs, Back Thighs, Front Thighs

1 Session $318
3 Sessions $888

Skin Camouflage Treatment
(Big Area)


Duration: 120-150min

Price: from $228

Skin Camouflage is a treatment that utilizes specially formulated products to conceal various skin imperfections and minimize the appearance of dark eye circles, scars, stretchmarks, birthmarks, and even melasma. It aims to improve aesthetic appearance, enhance confidence, and reduce self-consciousness by providing a semi-permanent solution, contributing to improved overall well-being.

Areas of treatment:
Breasts, arms, outer calves, inner calves, front calves, back calves, front knees, back knees and waist

1 Session $228
3 Sessions $648

Skin Camouflage Treatment
(Small Area)

Body Management

Indulge in our rejuvenating body and facial treatments.

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